
wanna join? here are some rules

here are the rules:

  1. have a personal websites.. duh(if you don't, neocities is free and is a lot of fun. i highly recommend it)
  2. sites are M rated at most. basically things that would be rated A on newgrounds aren't allowed in.
  3. have a button for your website
  4. have a page on your site with everyone else's buttons on it(you can just copy the code from mine to make it easier, i will be maintaining it as often as i can). let your creativity go wild
  5. post your website button with a link to the thread..

Welcome to the newgrounds webring

YO. got a personal site? then i want you

this is the newgrounds webring, a place for peeps to share their personal websites, blogs, or art sites and do collabs

for the uninitiated a webring is a series of websites that link to each other. they were extremely popular back in the 90s and early 2000s and continue to be on the indie-web today. the goal here is to create a webring for newgrounds creators(programmers, artists, anything really.) so we can link to and help each other grow and maybe encourage more people to make their own websites

P-Bot's site Picks

The Cassandra Zone